Published Work

Articles in Print and Online

Jill Frier has published more than 100 original articles, and is featured monthly in a variety of newspapers, online publications, and blogs. These publications include local newspapers and online publications in the Phoenix area. The print versions of these newspapers reach more than 120,000 homes monthly by direct mail and are available at local newsstands.









Epic Kids Logo

Jill also publishes regular posts and articles on her Arizona Kids-focused travel and lifestyle website, Ladybug’s Blog.

Ladybug’s Blogladybuglogo-transparent - Ladybug Writer Successes

Ladybug’s Blog features original and unique content, focused on Arizona travel, adventure, and activities with kids. All writing, editing, research and photographs are the work of Jill Frier from The J Desk. Ladybug’s Blog is dedicated to getting Arizona kids outdoors and excited about nature, science and the world outside.


Drop us a note to ask for a full list of published articles.

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